We have our first broken bone. Actually, it is a fracture. My son has a crack in his elbow.
Kids get hurt. Kids break bones. Kids sometimes need pain-killers or fever reducers. Although we normally stick to all natural, herbal medicines, there is a time and place for OTC drugs. This is one of those times.
As I perused the aisle of pain-killers looking for one that also reduced inflammation, I was struck how there are no alternatives to the heavily sweetened, artificially flavored drugs. There are generic brands by the drugstores themselves, some of which are “dye-free”, but I could find none without high fructose corn syrup or artificial flavors or colors.
Why do we need this crap in our medicines? Why hasn’t an alternative been developed?
Actually, some of the generic store brands are HFCS-free. CBS Detroit explains:
Perrigo also recently conducted extensive research with parents on infants’ and children’s OTC products that relieve pain and reduce fever. More than half of the 600 mothers surveyed indicated a preference for children’s medications that contained no high-fructose corn syrup. In response, Perrigo will begin labeling their dye-free formulas as “high-fructose corn syrup free.” As part of an earlier, industry-first initiative, all of Perrigo’s infant pediatric acetaminophen products will be available with “gluten free” labeling.
What about the artificial flavors and colors? Couldn’t they just use glycerin?
There are even more ingredients to worry about than HFCS and food dyes in children’s medication. Practically Green identified the following concerns:
1. Parabens. Yup — those same ones I’ve been assiduously avoiding in my kids lotion because of concerns about potential endocrine disruption? I’ve been letting them eat the stuff. My kid’s medicine has butylparaben in it, which evidently affects the fertility of male rat offspring. I know… I know. Parabens are “Generally Recognized as Safe” by the FDA. According to the Chemical Encyclopedia on Healthychild.org however, parabens when ingested are “slightly toxic.” All I know is that I don’t want them in my medicine!
2. Artificial Colors. We try to avoid those too. I figure if warning labels about artificial colors went onto our European friend’s kids products, I’m avoiding them. As I was digging into the specifics of each color, I noted that one of the products contained Yellow #10, which isn’t ALLOWED in food, but is allowed in drugs?! Oh, but not in Europe. According to ColorCon,
“Currently, D&C Yellow #10 is approved for use in drugs and cosmetics but is not approved for food uses. This material is not acceptable for use in foods or drugs in Europe due to a difference in the specifications of the monosulfonated and disulfonated components of the dye.”
3. Sodium Benzoate. I had to do a little research to remember why this common preservative set off alarm bells, but oh yes – sodium benzoate mixed with artificial colors can lead to hyperactivity in children, mixed with ascorbic acid there is concern about benzene formation (a known carcinogen), and a UK scientist recently noted in a lab that it affected the mitocondria of DNA.
4. Propylene Glycol. This compound might be the most confusing of the bunch. The Environmental Working Group gives it a “moderate hazard” rating (4) when used in cosmetics, but doesn’t mention food. The ether version (PGE) has been linked to increased allergies. Even the Material Safety Data Sheet says it is hazardous when ingested (assumedly in very concentrated amounts). But what about in medicine? It IS an additive that theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics has raised concerns about, primarily because of adverse reactions that range from eczema to lactic acidosis especially when administered in large quantities. But the Center for the Science in the Public Interest doesn’t mention it in their food additive list, either as safe or one to avoid and they are usually all over this stuff. Hmmmm.
And then, just for that final insult to injury, throw in some high-fructose corn syrup and lots of other sugars, including sorbitol.
It’s very frustrating, as I can find children’s pain relievers without HFCS, but then they contain artificial dyes and flavors. The same is true vice versa: The pain relievers and fever reducers without artificial dyes and flavors contain HFCS.
Oh what to do? Fortunately, our need for such products is very rare; however, I do wish an alternative was available. If you know of one, please let us know.
When I was a kid (70’s and 80’s) our doctor had his own cough syrup. No flavorings, no dyes. The stuff tasted horrible and it worked. When you needed it you begged for it. He was also a big believer in you cough for a reason, so you only needed cough syrup if
1. You were coughing yourself awake
2. You were coughing so hard you could not talk/breathe
3. You were coughing your throat raw.
Not coughing could lead to lung infections because you weren’t letting your body get rid of waste.
I wonder if doctors today could prescribe medication without flavorings.
I have a solution for this problem. Works a treat for my kids, and it’s the same trick my mom used for my brother and I as kids.
Get regular, old-fashioned aspirin, but not the high-dose stuff- just standard aspirin will do, and will be easier to cut down. Calculate the dose needed for your kiddo, and cut a tablet accordingly, using a sharp knife. Place the needed fraction of the tablet on a spoon (1/2 of one is good for kids 6 and older, 1/4 for the younger set), and then put honey over the top of it, partially filling the spoon. That’s it! Your little ones will take it with no problems, and if they’re also suffering from a cold, the honey will help to ease those symptoms, too. This is what we do for our kids, and they love it.
Oddly, my husband and I were talking about this, last night, and I said that I was afraid to give the kids the aspirin when they have a cold or ‘flu, due to the risk of Reye’s Syndrome, and he made this point: Reye’s Syndrome is incredibly rare. Like, really really rare. And they’re not even entirely sure that it’s caused by aspirin useage, since it also happens all by itself. But the kicker (he pointed out) is this: who had the most to profit by the media attention on this rare syndrome? Hmm. And what actually causes the most accidental deaths and liver malfunctions, but you’ll never see the stats side-by-side? Hmmmm. Food for thought, isn’t it? We’re going to finish clearing out the medicine cabinet in the next week (because our boys can’t stand liquid kids’ meds anyway!), and your article just gave me even more inspiration to do so! Thanks for the great info!
I found your website as I am looking for ibuprofen w/o artificial colors or flavors. Yesterday, after picking up my son from school with a fever, I stopped in CVS and leaved empty handed. Next stop QT, and found the acetaminophen Goody’s which is in powder. Next was the pharmacy at Kroger, but could not find anything. Ended up buying an aloe-vera leaf (could not find the drink) process in the blender with some drops of lemon and clover honey for him to drink. Anyway, still looking for ibuprofen to treat his fever…
My friend just told me about this all-natural brand, Similasan. Let me know what you think:
Has anyone found anything yet? Similasan’s Cough & Fever Relief has potassium sorbate :/
I also found a brand called Pediacare– but the ingredients aren’t awesome. Can we make one?? Kidding, kidding. I wish a manufacturer WOULD though..
I do not buy any of those anymore because of the inactive ingredients I do not agree with. If mild fever, just get over with it on its own.
Anyone find anything yet? My son is teething and Tylenol dye-free is where we started and no doubt it works for his pain, but I resent having to give him all those additives, flavourings and corn syrup! I made a post on Tylenol Canada’s Facebook. They took a week to respond saying all their ingredients meet health Canada’s guidelines. Great ;/
We’ve really liked Hyland’s homeopathic products over the years for our kids (and myself!) I was skeptical about homeopathy, but tried their teething tablets for my oldest and they seemed to work, which then gave me confidence to try some of their other products. We like their leg cramp pills and “Calms Forte” which helps with insomnia. It’s in a lactose base, I believe.
After researching this issue because I am appalled at the ingredients found in children’s products, I’ve concluded that the best way to administer pain medication to children over 6 is to crush a Tylenol tablet and mix it with honey and warm water if needed. I haven’t tried it yet though. Do not use Aspirin. It was patented by Bayer which is a group of Nazi war criminals. I don’t trust it or find it ethical.
The only time we tylenol is when there is a high fever. Otherwise we stick to herbal remedies and hydration. It’s such a shame they have to make these medecines with so much other crap in them.
My 3-year Old has a fever and bad headache today! I tried holding off on giving her medication (we don’t take it for the reasons everyone stayed above) but she kept crying that her head hurt so I gave her a dose of some artificially purple strong-smelling ibuprofen that my husband had bought… she told me she didn’t want it because it tasted bad (she’s a natural eater)… but i told her it would help her head feel better. She swalllowed the foul liquid like a trooper. And threw up 3 cups of breakfast on the floor within a minute.
I too am on this search. It’s frustrating. If a child is already sick, why would I want to expose them to things that are anything but beneficial?
2019 and still looking……how is this still okay? Can we just get some shipped in from Europe where they actually regulate what goes into medicine??
Little Remedies makes an acetaminophen with no dyes, artificial sweeteners or flavors but it’s not perfect. I cannot believe there are no other options!
Little Remedies Children’s Fever & Pain Reliever with Acetaminophen | Grape | 4 FL OZ
It does have sugar (sucrose) but at least that’s more natural?? I hate giving kids sugar and then expecting them to rest when they are sick.
I agree… our son had a strong fever (he’s 2), and I can’t believe we had to give him that Tylenol crap with all the additives. I’m originally from Europe and find it frightening that manufacturers can put stuff like that in the medicines we give our kiddos.
I also couldn’t believe there were dye free however still had the crap HFCS. I’ll pay a little more for a better version. That’s what it boils down to with these manufacturers (cost). I did find this at Walmart (their version)
Equate Children’s Pain & Fever, Acetaminophen 160 mg per 5 mL Oral Suspension, Dye-free, Cherry Flavor, Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer , 160mg 4oz
It doesn’t have HFCS
I’m also going to look at my local Sprouts. Hope this helps! God bless!
The walmart Acetaminophen has sucralose (splenda) in it as a sweetener.